Michal Uhrin


From 2020 onwards I have been working as an assistant professor at the Department Archeology and Cultural anthropology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava. I teach courses related to the theory and methodology of cultural anthropology, methodological foundations of ethnographic research, anthropology of religion, kinship, cooperation, and evolutionary anthropology. I have supervised several bachelor and master theses and has also been the opponent of several bachelor, diploma, and dissertation theses, both in Slovakia and abroad (Czechia).

I have done ethnographic research on religion and cooperation in Slovak rural environments and mating preferences in urban environments, and numerous articles focused on the complex relationship between kinship, religion, and various forms of cooperation. All my previous research is framed by theoretical concepts of evolutionary and cognitive anthropology, focusing on theories related to religion, cooperation, and rituals. As a part of the DEAGENCY project, I am conducting ethnographic research focused on various aspects related to the agency of the dead in the rural environment of central Slovakia.


Uhrin, M. (2019). The concept of tradition and the modes of scholarship in Slovak ethnology. Ethnologia Slovaca et Slavica : Roč. 40. – : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-80-223-4682-5. – Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2019. – S. 93-113. 

Uhrin, M. (2020). Victor Turner’s theory of symbols: the symbolism of a religious site and object in a rural environment in eastern Slovakia. Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe. – Roč. 13, č. 1., s. 21-41. 

Bužeková, T., Uhrin, M. (2020). The collective remembering of the religious changes in Eastern Slovakia. Kultúrne dejiny. – Roč. 11, č. 1. (2020), s. 56-76. 

Uhrin, M., Bužeková, T. (2022). The Role of Subtle Signals Linked to Religious Rituals in the Evaluation of Newcomers by a Village Community. Slovenský Národopis. – Roč. 70, č. 2. (2022), 210-227. 

Uhrin, M., Horák, M. (2023). One Village, One Family: Social Cohesion in Rural Slovakia. Český Lid. – Roč. 110, č. 4. (2023), s. 429-450. 

Uhrin, M., Horák, M., Vybíralová, D. (2024). Tolerance and Cooperation in the Religious Life of a Roman-Catholic Community A Case Study from the Brno-Country District. Svetovi worlds. – Roč. 2, č. 1 (2024), s. 55-75. 

Uhrin. M. (2024). Cognitive and Evolutionary Inspirations in the Study of Religion with Emphasis on the Development of Ethnology and Sociocultural Anthropology in Slovakia. Svetovi worlds [elektronický dokument]. – Roč. 2, č. 2 (2024), s. 46-68.


Anthropology of religion
Evolutionary anthropology
Cognitive anthropology
Theory, methodology and history of ethnology and sociocultural anthropology