Tina Ivnik, PhD


Starting in November 2023, I assumed the role of a Postdoctoral Research Fellow within the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. In the context of the DEAGENCY project, I am examining the effect of the shift in religious landscape on individuals’ relation to the dead. My focus centers on individuals situated in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

My research interest includes the transformation of cultural landscapes, ecological anthropology, migration studies, local identities, and the transformation of rural communities. I conducted a long-term fieldwork study in Natisone Valleys, a pre-alpine area of North-Eastern Italy. This fieldwork served as the foundation for my doctoral research, which culminated in the successful completion of my PhD thesis. 


2023 »Tovarna je vse uničila«: Socialni spomini domačinov in domačink na opuščanje kmetijstva v Beneški Sloveniji [»Factory destroyed it all«: Local people’s social memories regarding the abandonment of agriculture in Slavia Veneta]. Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva 63(1): 5-19. 

2020 (co-authored with Uršula Lipovec Čebron and Eva Fekonja) Criminalized hospitality: The case of Velika Kladuša. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta 68(2): 397-418.  

2019 “Kako pa živijo ženske v Turčiji?”: Raziskovanje raznolikosti odnosov med spoloma skozi mnenja in izkušnje Turkinj v Sloveniji [“How do women in Turkey live?” Exploring the diversity of gender relations through the opinions and experiences of Turkish women in Slovenia]. Etnolog 29(80): 209-227. 

2017 Women in migration: Some notes from the West Balkan route. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta 65(3): 559-572.  

2016 Migracije žensk: Srbija [Migration of Women: Serbia]. Časopis za kritiko znanosti 44(264): 308-326.


Cultural landscape transformation 
Ecological anthropology 
Migration studies 
Local identities 
Transformation of rural communities